Friday, June 1, 2012

Once More Unto the Breach

Here we go again

Hey everyone.  Since I know you've been missing me (not true) and my updates (definitely not true), I have good news for you (yes I mean YOU).  After an 8 month hiatus, I am returning to Jeju Island in South Korea.  And this time i'm not going alone.  Meet Vicky.  My girlfriend of 6 months and soon to be fellow traveler.  

Say hi everyone

 Here she is looking out the window

Here she is smiling with me

 Here she is looking skeptically at me (she does this a lot.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with me)

For the next year we will be living and working in private schools called Hagwons in Jeju City.  The main differences between this and where I worked before are the hours, 2-8pm instead of 8am-4:30pm, and the fact that this is not a public school.  I explain some of the other differences later.  We will be teaching at two different schools that are located approximately 100 yards apart.  Very convenient.

My job starts 3 weeks before hers which is wonderful since it allows me to get there early, get set up and be there to meet her when she arrives to ease the transition.  I will be leaving around June 20th.  I'll post on here when I have exact information.  I'm really excited and can't wait to have someone to share my travels and experiences with.  Making good memories together is always better than alone.

For now I leave you with final shot of Jeju and hopefully a sense of excitement at what's to come.

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